One Tree Planted

We’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with One Tree Planted to plant trees! One Tree Planted is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to global reforestation. They work with local organisations planting trees to restore nature and biodiversity, also raising awareness about the importance of trees, create opportunities for us to lend a helping hand as well as encouraging our younger generations to do something positive for the environment.  

We care deeply about the planet and creating a business that gives back to nature which is why we are honoured to aid reforestation efforts through One Tree Planted as an integral part of what we do. 

For every full-price pair of Northside footwear sold, we will plant one native tree in New Zealand.

New Zealand is home to unique forest ecosystems, including Kauri forests, Kahikatea swamp forests, Pōhutukawa forests and mixed broadleaved forests. These support diverse flora and fauna that evolved in the almost complete absence of land mammals and are almost entirely made up of native bird species found nowhere else. However, native forests like these have suffered from centuries of logging, forest clearance and invasive species that have reduced them to a fraction of their former range. 

Over 80% of New Zealand was once blanketed in native forests of tall evergreen and hardwood trees such as Kauri, Rata, Rimu and Podocarpus species. Today, indigenous forests cover around 25% of New Zealand, often in patches and fragments outside of protected areas. Where these forest ecosystems still exist intact, they support unique flora and fauna communities, including many endemic bird species such as Kererū, Kākā, Fantails and Tui. 
Logging and land clearance have taken their toll on much of New Zealand’s native forests and the biodiversity found in them. This has had the greatest impact on lowland forests, significantly reducing some forest types. Today the greatest threats to New Zealand’s indigenous forests come from damage caused by the spread of invasive species, the fragmentation of forest habitats, and the lack of intact forest buffers between them. 

In New Zealand were hard at work restoring the country’s beautiful native forests. Efforts are focused on mobilising support from a coalition of local partners to plant thousands of trees in the Pamoa Forest in the Gisborne District of the North Island.

One Tree Planted New Zealand

Find out more about One Tree Planted here. Or watch the video below: